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DirtStories is all about sharing the stories behind the men and women who build up the construction industry. From CEOs of large companies to independent contractors, trades workers and industry members, DirtStories is challenging the way the world views construction by sharing the stories of the people who build and feed our world.

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Ep 27: Balancing Company Values with Winning Bids
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Ep 27: Balancing Company Values with Winning Bids

January 5, 2021 · 53 mins

Kurtis Samchee from MGI Construction shared his DirtStory, how he's grown his career at MGI Construction and we explore the value of people in construction. Kurtis shares his insight for how putting company values first can help to build successful organizations and win bids. Kurtis Samchee, @KurtisJSamchee, on social, has grown within MGI since 2010. He’s studied business admin, public policy and sociology – an eclectic mix of knowledge that he uses to help drive his own person-focused mindset for the industry.