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DirtStories is all about sharing the stories behind the men and women who build up the construction industry. From CEOs of large companies to independent contractors, trades workers and industry members, DirtStories is challenging the way the world views construction by sharing the stories of the people who build and feed our world.

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Ep 21: Construction Technology Explained
construction worker with techy background overlay
mallorie brodie headshot from bridget

Ep 21: Construction Technology Explained

September 8, 2020 · 31 mins

Welcome to Episode 21 of DirtStories. Both on the DOZR Hub and in DirtStories we talk a lot about "construction technology". It's a buzzword you'll hear in any construction magazine or newsletter, on any construction project or website. But what is construction technology? We wanted to break down the topic of construction tech and really get to the basics of what it is and why it matters in the industry. Is construction really just slow to adopt new technology? Can technology solve all our problems? How does a company even begin to embrace construction technology? To answer these questions, we chatted with Mallorie Brodie from Bridgit. As a co-founder and CEO of a construction tech company, Mallorie was able to provide insight into some of these questions and give her perspective on the topic of construction tech.