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DirtStories is all about sharing the stories behind the men and women who build up the construction industry. From CEOs of large companies to independent contractors, trades workers and industry members, DirtStories is challenging the way the world views construction by sharing the stories of the people who build and feed our world.

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Ep 5: Crisis Management and Innovation for the Construction Industry
Trees blowing while truck drives through flood
Desi Matel Anderson headshot in black and white

Ep 5: Crisis Management and Innovation for the Construction Industry

April 7, 2020 · 45 mins

Desi Matel-Anderson is the Chief Wrangler at the Field Innovation Team. Throughout her career, Desi has helped communities both in Canada, the US and around the world respond to crises. Her team has led on-the-ground disaster relief for a variety of crises, from hurricane and windstorms to floods and fires. In this episode of DirtStories, Desi chats with Becca Grieb about how she got involved in crisis management and innovation, the importance of community, and how global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic can help communities come together and make each of us stronger. Desi and Becca discuss the role of technology in crisis management and how every single one of us can be empowered to be decisive in times of uncertainty.